Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) Consideration Survey How confident are you in your understanding of the eligibility requirements for the ERTC? Please select Very confident Somewhat confident Neutral Somewhat unsure Very unsure Please describe your level of comfort regarding your knowledge of how the ERTC impacts essential vs non-essential businesses: Please select Very comfortable Comfortable Neutral Not comfortable Extremely uncomfortable Please describe your level of comfort with applying aggregation rules during the ERTC qualification process: Please select Very comfortable Comfortable Neutral Not comfortable Extremely uncomfortable How would you rate the clarity of the documentation requirements associated with claiming the ERTC? Please select Very clear Clear Neutral Unclear Very unclear How well do you feel informed about recent or upcoming modifications to the ERTC program by the IRS? Please select Very well informed Well informed Neutral Not well informed Not informed at all To what extent are you concerned about increased IRS scrutiny or audits due to ERTC claims? Please select Not at all concerned Slightly concerned Moderately concerned Very concerned Extremely concerned How adequately prepared do you feel to educate your clients about the ERTC? Please select Very prepared Prepared Neutral Unprepared Very unprepared How confident are you in your understanding of the state-level mandates related to ERTC? Please select Very confident Somewhat confident Neutral Somewhat unsure Very unsure Do you believe that there are sufficient guidelines in place regarding professional responsibility when advising clients on the ERTC? Please select Strongly agree Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Which state do you reside in? * Thank you for completing our survey!